Director of the Office of Personnel Management required!

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Title   Director of the Office of Personnel Management required!
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Feb 21, 2013 @ 10:49pm

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Applications for the Director of Personnel Management are now being accepted. Details below...

Obsidian Fleet is now accepting applications for the positions of Office of Personnel Management Director.

The duties for this position are as follows:
The role of the Director of the Office of Personnel Management will be:

• Member of the Fleet Council,
• Responsible for the operation of the Office of Personnel Management,
• Responsible for assigning all ‘any ship’ applications and deleting rejected CO applications,
• Responsible for handling any transfer requests made by fleet players,
• Responsible for contacting players of sims who have lost their CO and offer them transfers,
• Other duties as may be assigned by the Joint Fleet Command.

This position is open to any member of the Fleet interested in applying. Commanding Officers, please pass this on to your crewmembers. Applications may be obtained by emailing the Joint Fleet Command at triad (at) obsidianfleet (dot) net
Applications must be completed and returned before Sunday 3 March 2013 1200 UTC, applications turned in after that may not be considered.

Good luck!