Length of Service!

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Title   Length of Service!
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Dec 21, 2009 @ 12:14am

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Just running through the Crew Milestones and I was amazed at the length of time some have served aboard DS5, which just goes to show, we have a very steady crew and that you all deserve a HUGE pat on the back.

For today though, please join me in congratulating Dorian (Thomas) & Bruce (Cam) on reaching 2 years aboard this floating chunk of metal in our heads that we loving refer to as DS5. Also Albrecht Weiltzer has been aboard for 2 years.

It may also surprise you, as it did me, that Opaka Jo'el, Zorana & Jarred have been aboard for a year.
My, how time flies when we're having fun

A few others have also been aboard for 6 months or just over and a special mention to Richard Dunham, AKA, Dan, who has put forth a huge amount of effort along with you guys!

So congratulations to you all and thanks for being aboard DS5.
Without you all, we would be nothing!

Hugs all round :D
