Timeline etc

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Title   Timeline etc
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Nov 28, 2010 @ 4:26pm

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Ok folks,

We're currently in SD35, posting up to and including overnight.

In a day or so I am going to push us on into SD36 where we'll get going with the the pirate hunt and the court case.

Off station the rescue mission to Feltor Prime is continuing but it is no longer only Federation settlers who are in need of assistance.

We have several new players on board so feel free to grab them and pull them kicking and screaming into your sub-plots, or even just invite them for a nice raktijino if you are that way inclined.

And to the new guys, welcome and feel free to jump right in and get involved, we don't stand on ceremony round here; if the plot interests you, get involved!
