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Title   Timeline
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 10:29pm

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I can see some of us are getting confused with the timeline, so I'll do my best to straighten things out as I really want to get this underway at SD55 next week, which puts us into February.
As of now, if we can keep posts between SD49 - 54, we can start out in earnest next month, fingers crossed.

SD38 - 54 Backposts leading up to when things start to go awry on SD55 when we start to have issues with communications.

Below will give you good indication of where we are and what the plans are and are NOT set in stone, but a darn good guide from what I have patterned from the posts thus far:

SD40 - Harsh Reality Check/Welcome home - Details about the forthcoming memorial for Wallace & Rhianis appointment as CIO and Petros return to DS5
SD41 - SD48 - At leisure
SD49 - Neglect - Promotions and a crushing blow for Trellis ('Reflect' Post in writing in whihc Tasha will spend soem tiem withdrawing into herself and sorrow for Gabriel and her lack of actions)
SD50/51 - Deflect - Tasha talks to Dorian, at last!
SD51 - Final Arrangements#; Plans for the memorial are being finalised.
SD52 - Memorial for Wallace
SD53 - TBC
SD54 - Girauna Arrives to take over as CIO
SD55 - Communications start to fail over the longer ranges. Up to now, the occasional glitch in communications is nothing to worry about, or so it seems. Petro will bring this to the attention of command.
SD56 - No comms to Starfleet
SD57 - No comms to nearest star system
SD58 - No comms to ships in the region
SD59 - No comms to anything but ships in the immediate vicinity
SD60 - Science will discover the cause of the Comms failures, an alien lifeform that is growing in space.

SD61+ See what happens.........

Have fun and enjoy,
