Welcome to the Starbase Deep Space 5

Deep Space 5 is a Celestial class Starbase, assigned to Task Force 21-C "The Guardians" in Obsidian Fleet.

We combine the ethos of adventure and exploration of The Next Generation with the intrigue and drama of DS9, leaving room for the unknown and the unexpected in the spirit of Voyager.

Deep Space Five is one of the few Obsidian Fleet sims that does NOT follow the storyline in which Romulus is destroyed.

DS5 is always willing to welcome a new face. Take a look around the website and if you like what you see, why not join us? We would love to have you aboard! If you have any questions, you can email Commander Isha t'Vaurek, Commanding Officer at isha AT ds5.co.uk.

If you do not see the position you would like listed on the Open Positions List, please let us know in your application what you would like to play - chances are we can create it for you!

Still simming here!

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A last push for 2104
Posted by Commander Isha t'Vaurek on Monday, December 29th, 2014 @ 10:25am
Category: General News

Hi all!

I've been out with the lurgy for the past couple of days and not had the energy to write. The sore throat has faded to a residual gravel, I can almost breath through my nose again, and the achy legs a fading memory.

Thanks to all who responded to the roll call and thanks to George for sorting out the issue with the new site. Don't forget to register at http://www.polar-horizon.com/DeepSpace-5/index.php/main/index

I'll be writing up the new mission outline over the next couple of days and sharing it with the Command Team for their input. It should be a nice change.

I know its December, but on 29th we have only acheived 17 posts and many players have not achieved the 2 post minimum (LOA/ELOA/RL and people I know to be working on JPs excluded). Lets all try and get a min 200 word solo post out by 31st December - its you, the players who bring life to a sim and if you're not participating ... well, you know.

Lets make one last push to hit a respectable target for December.

Roll Call!
Posted by Commander Isha t'Vaurek on Friday, December 26th, 2014 @ 01:52pm
Category: Simm Announcement

Hi all,

It seems that not everyone is getting JP notifications at the moment. Please remember to log in to the site regularly - it lets us know you are active and interested, plus if notifications fail you still know there's something to respond to.

You've still got until the end of 31st December to sign up to the new site: http://www.polar-horizon.com/DeepSpace-5/index.php/main/index

The implication that there is malware there is false. If you see that message please run your own virus-scan and clear your browser cache before trying again. That appears to rectify the problem.

I the mean-time given our extremely low post count this month - lower than I'd expect even from a December - I need you to reply to this post if you are still interested in DS5.

A short break ...
Posted by Commander Isha t'Vaurek on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 @ 08:30am
Category: General News

Morning all,

I'll be travelling for the next couple of days without my laptop. I am still available on email if urgent but won't have access to the sites.

Keep up the good work, and don't forget to register your character on the new site


Seasons Greetings to all!

Stuff, posting etc
Posted by Commander Isha t'Vaurek on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014 @ 07:30pm
Category: General News

Thanks to those of you who've already joined the Nova site! I'm accepting applications as quickly as I can. I should have more time coming up as I've got the next two weeks of work from Friday!

To the players with Romulan and Klingon characters, please bear with us - your ranks aren't on the new site yet but that will be resolved as soon as possible - even if I have to write them in until I work out how to add a pip set!

For anyone who has not yet been there please go to http://www.polar-horizon.com/DeepSpace-5/index.php/main/index and add your character. In the new year we will be simming there, not here. You have until 31st Dec to join the Nova site.

Its been a busy year end for me, and for most of us I think. December is going to be the worst posting month in a long while. I cringed when I looked at our current tally of 6 posts and one personal log.

We can do better than this - even in a slow month. Lets all draw out those two 200 words posts each that are required to meet the minimum.

2015 is going to be great if the new mission in the planning is anything to go by!


On behalf of your local friendly Command Team.