OF Fleet Corps

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Title   OF Fleet Corps
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 1:14pm

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For those of you who are not aware and would like to be active in the wider fleet there are several Advisor positions still open in the Obsidian Fleet Corps.

The Fleet Corps is split up into several Corps. Each Corps is led by a Corps Advisor who has certain responsibilities. These responsibilities include:

* Being an active member of the Fleet Corps.
* Maintaining and developing their respective Corps area on the Obsidian Fleet Wiki Database.
* Assisting players in the writing of their characters.

Fleet Corps advisors are governed by the Fleet Corps Advisors Rules of Conduct

There are vacancies for Advisors in the following areas:

Defense Corps
Medical Corps
Operations Corps
Science Corps
Imperial Romulan Liaison (previously held by me)

Deep Space Five is already very well represented on the Fleet Corps but if anyone has interest please let me know, or use the OF wiki (linked above) to put yourself forward.

Mortimer Praxis
Permanent Secretary for Trade and Interstellar Development
Diplomatic and Civilian Corps Advisor

Better known around here as

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illiahlae

et al