Silver Unit of Merit Award: February 2011

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Title   Silver Unit of Merit Award: February 2011
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Mar 10, 2011 @ 8:12pm

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The last time we won one of these was in August 2010 when we took the Gold.

Here's what was said:

Deep Space 5, 21-C: I feel Deep Space 5 should receive the Bronze Award
this month. Though Mark's been giving me some trouble with my new
position, having 171 posts is just outstanding. He keeps his simm active
and there is always something going on. Plus the Crew Members deserve
some recognition for their hard work.

Well done everyone for continuing to make DS5 the most interesting and diverse sim in the fleet. I haven't found another one that rivals our intricacy and imagination!

For anyone who wants to recognise any of the crew please note that that they have until the
15th of this month to get their nominations in for the best CO, XO and
Character of last quarter (December-February) .

If so, please send the nomination to the TGCO or use the nomination link as usual and we will pass it on.

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
Deep SPace Five