Hey Everyone (read please)

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Title   Hey Everyone (read please)
Category   Out of Character
Author   Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Mon Mar 08, 2010 @ 8:30am

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Hey all it's me the new guy.
How are you all ? Good i hope.

Well Im settled in now thanks to you all and am enjoying posting with you guys.
If anyone i mean anyone wants to do a JP with me just start one with me if I havn't met you yet i'd love to get to know you all.

Also on a last note im letting you all know that in a normal month im away every second week from usually a mon to thu or tue to fri and every 2 months i will be away for those days 3 weeks in a row. Also I think most of you guys are from the UK well im in New Zealand so the timezones a little different to.
Sorry if this inconvenienced you :)