Story Update

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Title   Story Update
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Jan 13, 2010 @ 7:32pm

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- Earlier in the day a Cardassian Freighter was flying towards the Station on a direct collision course. It would not respond to hails and life signs were sporadic. Dunham was forced to open fire on the vessel to prevent it from colliding with the station.

- Cardassian Embassy got upset and demanded that Dunham be charge with murder and be tried in a Cardassian Court.

- Davies instead, had Dunham confined to the brig for most of Day 16.

- Villiers eventually hand Dunahm released until formal charges were brought against him.

- Cardassians are seeking a way to get Dunham and make him pay for his actions.

- IN reality, the Freighter was used by the Maquis spies to get onboard the station and to pit the Cardassians against the Federation.


- They have received new information in regards to the murder of a Romulan Doctor that Gabriel was accused of several years ago.

- Rianni's father has arrived with his staff and they wish to extradite Gabriel for his crime.

- Gabriel had a conversation with the Romulan Embassy and he learned that THEY knew about the incident, despite Gabriel never telling a soul.

- Gabriel believed that Lt. Tan was a spy and he attacked him in OPS, subsequently getting himself arrested and placed in the brig where he has been for most of SD 16.

- Isha has returned to the station and she is at odds with Rh’vaurek.


- Darson is planning on going down to the nearby planet for something or other, you'll have to ask him what he plans on doing with the character.

- 20:30, 3 bombs detonate on the station, throwing everything into complete chaos.

- This is probably when the Founder(s) make a move to prevent anybody from the station from stopping them