The Next Mission

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Title   The Next Mission
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 11:26pm

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As there are some posts that are now leading to the next mission, I have made it available.
The title is Time is Fleeting
This is going to span a few days, and for the main, will take place at approximately Station Day 16, which is one week advanced from where we are now.
Keep this in mind when writing in this mission.
I hope to wrap up the current mission by the end of NEXT MONTH, so again, take care NOT to infringe to much into the next mission, but it will give you ample time to start getting involved.
Thanks to Andy for the mission image, very nice indeed!!
Also the Romulan Consulate has a few nice images :D Thanks to Louise.
