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Title   Activity
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 1:31pm

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I can see we're struggling here and some have said that they cannot work out a way into posts.

So after this weekend, I am going to break down the 2 main posts and remove those with outstanding TAGS as it's also stopping us moving forward, and then we'll move forward a little more in the day.

If your struggling, don't be afraid to ask, as I am seeing a large number now moving into a month of inactivity and if it continues, I shall start dismissing members.

If you have any plot ideas, then please, let us know and we can work them through, but we also need to have the USS Sarek dock shortly, so allow for that.

I am looking for ideas for the next mission, as well as concluding this one, as it is obviously affecting you all with writers block.

All civilian players can write about anything they like, and crew can also do a personal log, but I must see some activity, or eventually, this sim will stagnate and close.
