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Title   Updates
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Jun 22, 2011 @ 9:20pm

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from R Adm Uvar

Hi guys / girls,

Remember the deadline for the Quarterly nominations is the 25th. So if you want to nominate a CO, XO or Character.. sent in your nominations to me before that time.

thanks and happy simming.



From Me :D
The last few weeks have gotten away from us, the current day is at a bit of a stall, so from this weekend, we shall move the mission day up to SD39.
Hopefully we shall bring back the "Trial" and the other sub plot will be the rescue of Lieutenant Jarred Wallace.

Lt Commander Bruce Freeman is on a day of rest today, so no Engineering disasters today ..... if we can :D

We also have a new Communications officer aboard, so give a welcome to Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon.

Have fun folks,
