The Next Mission ...

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Title   The Next Mission ...
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Feb 23, 2013 @ 12:06pm

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Morning All!

We've reached that point in the sim where its time to start considering what is going to happen in our next mission (in real time it will be two or three months before we begin, but lets get planning now!).

Will it be a new arc entirely, or will the away mission to Ivor Prime prove to be the beginning of a longer campaign?

Either way, we'd like your suggestions, and as usual to get a good debate going so we can include diverse elements giving something for everyone to do. It doesn't matter if you've been here years or days, if you have an idea, we want to hear it.

The one event that will be happening, one that I've been building up to through the past few mission, is the arrival of a new Executive Officer. Karen's time is up so I will be replacing her with another character who will put a new and unique spin on what is already a unique sim.

Other than that, we want the new mission to be one for all of us.

Ideas please!

Also posted to the OOC list - if you are not yet signed up please do so now!

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Posted on behalf of your local friendly Command Team