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Title   Welcome Aboard!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 05, 2010 @ 6:23pm

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I'd like to extend a warm welcome to William who plays D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek who has joined the Romulan Consulate as Senior Ambassador (el'Llairhi). I'm sure that this will be blisfully confusing for some of you ... where does that put Isha? I hear you ask.

Allow me to clarify. Isha is a direct appointment of the Continuing Committee able to do her role by virtue of her own rank and status within the Empire; she answers to them and no-one else. She is not part of the Diplomatic Corps, never has been and never will be. Of course, if she were then Isha's title would be Hru'Llaudh marking her as the most senior ambassador in residence.

D'Vaeban tr'Dharvanek is a member of the Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi , the Romulan Diplomatic Corps, and answers to more normal masters than hers. So whilst the lines may appear blurred to those on the outside it is not, except where they are ...

Anyway, I see it as a wonderful opportunity for confusion, and for Isha to cede the duller day-to-day diplomatic tasks to someone else ... she has bigger reptiles to fry.
