We're Back!

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Title   We're Back!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Jan 14, 2011 @ 9:39pm

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After weeks of database troubles, tearing out of hair and long and difficult discussions with our host Mark has now got DS5 back up and running! (give the guy a round of applause, a cigar and a gold star)

We've moved to a new server, we're sticking with SMS for the time being, and from here on in we hope to be back to our old smooth running. Thank you all for your patience and for sticking with DS5.

The database appears to be intact, and we've done a high level spot check of bios, but we'd encourage you to check your bios / awards / NPCs / parts of the database you update etc for missing text / pictures / dodgy links etc.

If you find anything anomalous please let either Mark or myself know so that we can fix it.

Here's to making 2011 another great year for Deep Space Five.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
Deep Space Five