Unity and Interlude

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Title   Unity and Interlude
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon May 03, 2010 @ 1:50pm

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The mission ‘Unity’ is still underway, so don’t forget to do your bit, but to allow our creative spirit to thrive a three month period (sim time) immediately following Unity is now open for posting in the mission ‘Interlude’ - this mission is open for posting from today, so anything happening after SD17 should go there.

This is free time so there will be no strict ‘Station Day’ applicable, but please note an approximate date e.g SD17+10 so that everyone can keep track. Any posts taking place after SD17 should be part of ‘Interlude’.

During Interlude, there is no imminent threat to DS5, only a great opportunity for characters new and old to explore themselves, form friendships, alliances, enmities before the next mission commences.

Life aboard DS5 returns to normal and in a rare period of respite no new threat emerges.

This is a time to relax, to get to know your fellow crewmates, to lose yourself in a holosuite. Time to take that well earned leave or just prop up your favourite bar once the day's work is done.

After all, they do say that a little bit of what you fancy does you good ...