OF End of Year Awards Nominations Open!

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Title   OF End of Year Awards Nominations Open!
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Nov 24, 2012 @ 5:49pm

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Hi all,

Passing on the message that nominations are open for Obsidian Fleet end of year awards! Please send your nomination to co@ds5.co.uk or PM Mark/Captain Tahir!

Character of the Year

How to nominate – COs nominate to the Fleet Services Director. Members of crews can also nominate anyone they feel deserving of this award. These nominations must be approved by the sim's CO. Only one nomination can go forward from each sim.

More info here - http://www.obsidianfleet.co.uk/index.php?option=ifs&task=common&action=common&lib=adet&award=38

William Riker XO of the Year

How to nominate – nominate to the Fleet Services Director. Members of crews can also nominate any of their XOs they feel deserving of this award. These nominations must be approved by the sim's CO.

More info here - http://www.obsidianfleet.co.uk/index.php?option=ifs&task=common&action=common&lib=adet&award=39

James T. Kirk CO of the Year

How to nominate – Task Force COs and Task Group COs nominate a CO under their command to the Fleet Services Director. They can approve nominations made to them by individuals or crews, but only one nomination can go forward from each TG (TGCO's come under TG Indie in their TF and TFCO's come under IFO).
More info here - http://www.obsidianfleet.co.uk/index.php?option=ifs&task=common&action=common&lib=adet&award=40

Sim of the Year is chosen from the sims that won each of the preceding 12 months' Gold Unit of Merit awards.

Once all nominations are in, the Fleet Services Director will compile a list for the Fleet Council to vote on. All nominations must be in by the 11th of January.