A New Mission to get us Moving

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Title   A New Mission to get us Moving
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 22, 2013 @ 6:36pm

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Greetings all.

Its been a fraught few months but I'm back. I cannot thank you all enough for sticking with DS5 and for your unending patience.

Its time to get things moving again. To get us back up to speed I am introducing a fun and structuted mission, one that I hope will get us going. Intermission will remain open for those who want to continue personal plots at this point (once we're back to speed we'll all rejoin that mission).

Here's the concept

What would make your dreams come true? Latinum? A robe of Tholian Silk? A mint condition program from the 1966 FIFA World Cup? Wishes are being granted across Deep Space Five - for some of the crew it seems they only have to hope for something and the means to achieve come their way. For others it comes as a knock on the door in the night, their heart's desire delivered to their doorstep by invisible hands.

Who is the mystery benefactor, and how does he know our hidden desires? Is there something more sinister afoot and seemingly small things go missing from among the possessions of those who thought their prayers had been answered.

What I'd like is for those of you who would like to play an active part in this is to send me an email with the thing your character would most desire. I'll then write a JP with you from the part of the Mystery Benefactor and we'll outline what happens next to each character.

This is a bit different from our usual free-form style. I don't intend it to replace the way we usually write, only for it to serve as a platform to get us all back in the game.
