Welcome Aboard

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Title   Welcome Aboard
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Nov 22, 2014 @ 9:30am

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It is with great delight that I welcome our newest players to DS5.

Please give a hugely warm welcome to Bert and Jools! Both are returners to DS5, and have been much missed, especially Jools who originally joined our little soap only a week or two after I did.

Bert will play Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex, our new Executive Officer - an experienced simmer, an imaginative writer and an brilliant CO in his own right Bert is going to be an excellent addition to the Command Team and DS5.

Jools will play Lieutenant Commander Amia Soren, Head of Exobionic Research at Border Research Institute, a long present but underutilised facet of DS5. Jools is one of the warmest and friendliest players I've ever had the privilege to write with. If anyone has the creativity and experience to bring this unique role to life its her.

Welcome back! Can't wait to start writing with you both.

On behalf of your local friendly Command Team.