Stuff, posting etc

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Title   Stuff, posting etc
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Dec 16, 2014 @ 7:30pm

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Thanks to those of you who've already joined the Nova site! I'm accepting applications as quickly as I can. I should have more time coming up as I've got the next two weeks of work from Friday!

To the players with Romulan and Klingon characters, please bear with us - your ranks aren't on the new site yet but that will be resolved as soon as possible - even if I have to write them in until I work out how to add a pip set!

For anyone who has not yet been there please go to and add your character. In the new year we will be simming there, not here. You have until 31st Dec to join the Nova site.

Its been a busy year end for me, and for most of us I think. December is going to be the worst posting month in a long while. I cringed when I looked at our current tally of 6 posts and one personal log.

We can do better than this - even in a slow month. Lets all draw out those two 200 words posts each that are required to meet the minimum.

2015 is going to be great if the new mission in the planning is anything to go by!


On behalf of your local friendly Command Team.