Now open WAFD Day 2!

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Title   Now open WAFD Day 2!
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Aug 17, 2014 @ 10:00am

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OK folks,

We're moving on to day 2.

For those still writing in Day 1, don't forget to timestamp as 'WAFD Day 1, 15:30' replacing the time with the time your post is set. This helps our resident record keeper, and your fellow writers keep the timeline straight.

Coming up in Day 2 ...

As Rianni returns to DS5 a change in the magnitude of the platform disaster is revealed,
Further developments in the Schoolroom,
A Federation Marshal comes aboard,
Science will make a leap foward in the analysis of the Romulan core,
Medical see an uptick in cases of the flu,
And Isha will run into her nemesis for the first time in four years.

If there are any volunteers who fancy writing a Doctor please let me know. I'm NPCing one but it turns out I'm rotten at writing medics and could do with some support. :)

Subplots are very welcome. Usually the basic rule is as long as it doesn't interfere with the mission, kill another Player Character or Player's NPC, or blow up the station, its OK. Check if you're unsure.

For our newer players, we always have a secondary mission "Things Past" open. If you have any backstory you'd like to write that falls outside the current timeline this is the place to post it!

And a reminder that you are REQUIRED to post at least two posts per month. These can be Joint Posts, Solo Posts, or Personal Logs - Most of you are halfway there, and an outstanding few have blasted through that barrier! Thanks guys.

Keep up the good work everyone!

AKA Commander Isha T'Vaurek,
Your local, friendly CO.