Happy Spook Day

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Title   Happy Spook Day
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Oct 31, 2014 @ 8:14pm

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And thank you to everyone for your dedication.

George, Notty and I are working on the Nova site - it may well be the new year before its ready but when it is I think you'll all love it.

We won a Bronze Award for September that I'll get posted on the site as soon as I can - this weekend possibly but its the Austin GP, so that will be greatly on my mind.

I've had my stitches out and I'm finally seeing my face without the toxic growth that's been chunking up under my eye for the last couple of years (denial - I could see it, it took me a while to get it looked at - if you have anything odd, don't wait!). I'm not looking at all bad for my age!

Brilliant work again everyone. Keep it up, keep up the solo posts and JPs, and please feel free to contact me or Notty if you're at a loss as to what to write.

Go us!!
