New Blood

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Title   New Blood
Category   Out of Character
Author   Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Fri Feb 12, 2010 @ 7:38am

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Hey guys I only just saw your news items.

I'll take this time to first welcoming me into your family!
And to say a bit about myself and then my previous positions:
Well I'm now 15 I live in NZ, Loved Star Trek since the day I was born!(And most Sci Fi)
Im looking forward to serving with you all and to anyone out there thats short on posts ID love to do one with you all.

Well I started a few years ago as the Chief Diplomat on the USS Endeavour (NZ :)
and then the Captain (Andrew Fisher) Wanted to leave Obsidian Fleet and they broke up our ship. I got transfered to the U.S.S Ragnarok my last ship and the Captain was a Meglomaniac (Google that one) and I got away and found this lovely place with my new family :D.

Once again Thanks