Time line updates

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Title   Time line updates
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Jan 29, 2012 @ 8:05pm

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Hello All!

I have (finally) updated the Timelines for DS5

My excuses are many, mostly centering on the fact that I got made redundant, so I now look after Matty full time, and since he is now a very energetic little toddler, as opposed to the easy to hold in one hand new-born he was when i started this exercise, I've kind of let things slide a bit

But new year, new broom and all that, so the new timelines are up on the OOC site in PDF, or pm me if you want me to just email them to you.

As always there are more than a few posts without time or date on their posts and that I can't guess when they are (You know who you are, if it carries on, i will start mentioning names ;p) I would be extremely grateful if anyone who has left a date vague could let me know when they think their posts are - and if you ever need to know when we are, please feel free to ask, I'm pretty good at knowing.

Just so everyone knows, for purposes of book keeping, posts set in SD 40 to Sd 48 will end up in the Judgement records, so the Incommunicado records will be kept to those posts immediately relevant to things likely to impact Incommunicado.

So go enjoy the timelines and get caught up with where we all are.
