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Title   Awards
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Dec 26, 2010 @ 12:44am

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Yes, that time of the month is fast approaching and I expect you to be fully enjoying the festive season and I am not pushing you in any way, but of you can, please decide on a award for a (or any) player that you feel is deserving of acknowledgement for any reason, by nominating them for an award.
New players can do this also.

Next month, I am going to try to do an OOC poll, so for all members of DS5, please make sure you are registered on out OOC on Yahoo..... link above.

Award nominations are on the right hand menu - Under User.
If you can, please give a reason to your award nomination and if its a Level 2 award, please include links to the relevant post/s as this will assist in the award being granted by the powers that be.

Have a wonderful holiday and don't do anything I wouldn't do, so that gives you plenty of scope :D
