And so........

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Title   And so........
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Nov 09, 2012 @ 11:39pm

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As promised, a number of you have been in receipt of an award or 2 this evening.
I would like to acknowledge those who took the time and nominated your fellow players for them, but please remember, you don't have to wait till the end of the month to nominate, or seek permission to do so, the link is always there and we rarely deny a reasonable nomination!

I would now ask, that you check your bios, and make sure you have all the awards you are merited with, especially those that relate to time served (3, 6, 12 months and those who have served from 1 - 5 years. If you are missing any, let me know by PM or email and I'll put them right.

You should have read the recent post, in which Richard Dunham has been promoted to Commander, a long overdue promotion. 2 more are following shortly, Bruce Freeman and Jarred Wallace and a little later, Dorian Gabriel, as soon as he is re-instated.

In the new year, there are another 2 palyers who are in line for promotions, so watch this space.

From now to the New Year, I will be monitoring Activity and posting levels/quality and those that are not on LOA (for short leaves) or ELOA (longer leave) or those who have been inactive for over 6 months, I will be moving them to the departed character pool to allow positions to be filled with active players.

Also, those who are NOT on the OF IFS and there are a few, I need you to ensure that you have created an account for your character with Obsidian Fleet. This not only allows me to keep an up to date manifest, but also allows me to present awards to your character to continue onto another sim (if required) as well as keep a record of your awards IN Character.

Nova Upgrade
I have been running a trial of Nova on a sub domain of DS5 for the last 3 months and I have to admit, that even the new Nova2, is not as "pretty" or functional as SMS when it comes to the stations database (which has always been a major gripe of mine since Thresher was introduced). The ranks set is very pretty, but the skin is just awful, despite my best effort to give it a unique feel as we have now on this version. So, before I decide to update DS5, for those who already use Nova on other sims, I would appreciate your feedback on the benefit of an upgrade. The only benefit I see, is the "Lockout" of editing JPs in progress so that only 1 player can edit and others are locked out. I know this is a major step forward, I don''t think this gives me justification to warrant a complete upgrade the whole site.
Issues I have found and pointed out to Anodyne are:

DATABASE - Links fail on the new database
EMAIL - Emails are now server/Nova based, so the ability to reply to everyone via an email problem, send emails back to a default server address, resulting in bounce backs
SKINS - Plenty of options, but users need too much skill in CSS/HTML. I have a good understanding of HTML, but coupled with CSS and PERL, I just cannot get the skins to remain fixed through the pages, which also have some broken links.

What I do like, is the feel of Nova. It is much cleaner than SMS, but even that can lead to confusion of "Linked NPCs" A nice touch, but sometimes, the way we have DS5 set up makes this just as easy to use.

I look forward to haring what some of you think.

Sister Ships.
Recently updated, so that SB65 is now showing. If you have your own command, then please, let me know your ship and I'll gladly put it on the web page

Mission Days & Time
I know this has been broached on many occasions, but can you please use a mission day and Time for your Posts. This is very important to keeping a timeline of events, not just for you, but for everyone to know where and when you are on the station.

From January 1st 2013, every 2 months, irrespective of what / where we are on DS5, the mission day will move up 1 day. This will allow the prolific writers to progress without asking for the timeline to be advanced. If we are moving ahead in a month, then we can move it up at will also.

If you have any ideas for mission plots, character changes or station upgrades, then please, this is your sim, please air your suggestions on the OOC, or drop ANY Department head a PM or email, that they can consider and forward onto either myself, Louise or Jools.

Thanks for reading,
