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Title   Timelines
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Jun 24, 2011 @ 1:59pm

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Hi everyone

The newest version (10!) of the timeline for Judgement is up to date, and the PDF is on the Yahoo group for download.

Please note that I am tracking back posts and Posts on the Things Past mission, and when that gets to a useful size, I will load that up as well.

At this point I want to say hello to all the new people who've joined in the last month or so, and that I really recommend taking a trawl through the timeline to get your head round the story so far, and where everyone is. I also really recommend that you time and date your posts so I can slot them in easily, Otherwise I just take my best guess, and you could end up being in two places at once.

Lastly, again to all the new people, my PC, Yolanthe runs the best bar on the whole damn station, The Box of Delights, and whilst she's in a spot of bother right now (in the brig ;p), the Box has a large and lovely staff willing to meet all your needs, so please feel free to come by, prop up the bar and start a JP with my many NPCs.

Have a good weekend, and happy simming