a side mission

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Title   a side mission
Category   General News
Author   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Thu Sep 02, 2010 @ 5:06am

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Hello all

I hope I will not get into trouble for this but I find that I am going to need some writters to play NPC's for a subplot mission to coincide with the upcomeing mission that the main simm will be running. It is not much but below is the basics

The submission or plot is basicly that Wayne bradshaw will be taking a tour of all of the facilities that BII owns and operates. Simple right I bet your asking why I would need help with this. The fact is that this mission will be running for as long as the main full simm mission runs and well it might get a little boreing doing all the writting myself.

The only limiting factor if you want to be part of this is that the character hs to be either from the federation, kling empire or Romulan star empire. and I only need a small number of people the positions list is below

2 - bodygaurds
1 - Pilot
1 - secratary

You might ask yourself why these positions. Well Wayne has some serious enemies who will likely attempt to kill him on this trip also someone will be needed to fly the oversized runabout and to keep the schedual. There will be several meetings with various managers of facilities and the like and I honestly expect that things will get interesting as the mission goes on.

I hope that I can get a couple of you guys to help me out with this idea as I am sure that it will be a good character developement mission and who knows you will be playing civilians rather then military so a differant set of rules apply and it could be fun.
