The Time Has Come ...

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Title   The Time Has Come ...
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Jun 25, 2013 @ 5:30pm

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Evening all!

With June post count at an all time low (13 month to date :( ) its time to do something to improve activity.

I've had a busy month and haven't had the energy to write as much as I'd like, my apologies for that. I can't expect you all to keep up the momentum if I'm not providing any push myself. On a similar note it would be hypocritical of me to count any of this time of inactivity against any player, so everyone on LOA or otherwise has a free pass for the last month or so - something I'll note in the monthly report.

So its time for us to wrap up the curent mission. The mystery ship arc will be written over the next couple of weeks and the away team will be assumed to have returned from Ivor Prime. If anyone then wishes to post anything Ivor Prime related it can go in 'Things Past'.

While we put out mystery ship to sleep I'll be opening up an 'Intermission' beginning on SD73 which will be open for free posting so some of those posts that are in the queue waiting for us to move on can be posted. Anything that happens between missions should also go in there.

The attack on the Cardassian Embassy and other ongoing plot threads will be picked up again in the new proper mission when that begins in a month or so. I'll be picking up all the brilliant suggestions from our earlier discussion and making a proposal on the OOC list.

My apologies again for being so quiet these last few weeks, and thanks everyone for your patience and continued commitment.
