Polls are now closed

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Title   Polls are now closed
Category   General News
Author   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Wed Sep 02, 2009 @ 10:22pm

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I have offically closed the poll for the new garrison ship design, I am only slightly surprised at the winner, but it was decied by three votes! I will be revealing the winning design this weekend, I'd like to say thank you to all of you who voted in both rounds of this project, and would like to encourage you all to vote on other polls that take place on the sim, and also if you have ideas for ships, tech, or story ideas to contribute them, or work in groups to come up with stuff, thats how sims like this grow and develop and how the whole. I've posted a rogues gallery of renderings on the site that the last vote took place on, if you see some thing that stirs the imagination run with it, thats what this whole idea is about.

