Where's that Louise woman been ...

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Title   Where's that Louise woman been ...
Category   Out of Character
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri May 16, 2014 @ 8:20pm

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I wanted to give an update on why I've been so remote recently. You all deserve it, so here it is.

As some of you are already aware I've recently been diagnosed with a form of skin cancer.

Its not the worst sort and in 99% of cases can be removed and won't spread.

Another major plus is that it can be treated with few diabolical effects. It does however have a great psychological impact on me. Whilst the 'thing' might not shorten my life, its not a friend - it has also made my skin a lot more sensitive than it typically would be.

I count myself incredibly lucky that I only need mild surgery to remove (although this will be repeated until it is gone) rather than health detrimental treatments that might be needed if it was internal.

Given its location, the greatest risk, if left untreated is to my sight.

Please forgive me for my lack of attention here. Until I know 100% its gone I'll not be the most focussed of bunnies.

