New members

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Title   New members
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Apr 25, 2012 @ 6:07pm

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Hi folks.

Let me begin by saying welcome to another 2 new players:

Our new Chief of Security, Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez who will be taking over whilst Dorian is on suspension. Also thanks to Andrea for stepping into the breech.
Also, our new Strategic Operations Officer, Ensign Stone Robatsch.

Give them both a very warm welcome.

To help things along, our current SD (Station Day) is 57.
Where are we with the plot: Communications are down to minimum levels. That is , craft outside DS5, but in close range, no comms with Starfleet or out of the immediate area.
Commander Dunham and Lieutenant Petro are out in the Pollux, investigating.

