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Title   Promotions
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Oct 05, 2012 @ 10:13pm

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Within the upcoming mission days, the following players will be promoted In Character:

Lieutenant Jarred Wallace - Lieutenant Commander; This will be awarded "Post Humously" as it were. (SD70)
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham - Commander (SD70 71) - After the return of the "Flight" sent out to aid the Distressed Ivor Prime colonists.
Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman - Commander (SD72/3) After completing repairs to all the ships and craft aboard DS5.

Also in line for promotion:
Lieutenant JG Saria Rex - Lieutenant (SD7?) We'll find a scientific reason to bestow as we move through the mission, not sure how many days this mission will play out, so probably 73 or 74
Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch - Lieutenant For his tireless work and calmer demeanor in Sickbay... Again, not sure when in Station Days, but probably within the same range of SD73 - 74

Dorian Gabriel - Upon his return (and Redemption) as Chief Security Officer. (SD Unknown)

These promotions are well overdue and will take place in the order as above, so please bear this in mind as we progress through "Cascade".

Players, can you update / refresh your bios, as we seem to have neglected some of them over the last 4 - 5 years
