Moving on

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Title   Moving on
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun May 22, 2011 @ 2:56am

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Morning folks

I'd like to encourage everyone to start wrapping up their SD37 posts as we are poised to move into SD38, the focal event of which will be the wedding of Commander Chelsea Adams and Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham.

Elsewhere life progresses as normal:
* The proprietor of the Box of Delights is still in the brig for the alleged murder of her friend and colleague Klia.
* Wallace is missing.
* The trial of Gabriel for past crimes appears to be on hold.
* On his return from Feltor Prime new tensions for Lieutenant Totti have emerged in the Diplomatic Corps and spilled throughout the station.
* And the private war between the Cardassian and Romulan Ambassadors quietly escalates.

If anyone is at a loss for something for their character to do please don't hesitate to drop me a line and I'll find a way to get you involved. :)

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
Deep Space Five

*Busily feeding the rampant plot bunnies*