Timeline Updates

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Title   Timeline Updates
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Oct 26, 2010 @ 7:51pm

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Hi all

I've updated the timelines again, and as usual they are available as both pdf from the yahoo site, and via the mission notes menu item

As Interlude is coming to a close I'm looking to rationalise all the posts with indeterminate timestamps. I'd appreciate it if you could all look over the posts with question marks next to their times and see if any are yours, and let me know if you have any idea where they should go. Its doesn't have to be completely precise for Interlude, even "After this post" or 'before that post' will help

Enjoy the new timelines; as always, if you think I've got something in the wrong place, let me know
