A change in Position

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Title   A change in Position
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Mar 11, 2010 @ 8:32pm

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It is with pleasure, that I hereby inform you that the Former Chief Diplomatic Officer, Ayren Kelan has now been changed.
With immediate effect Sharon is now playing the character Lieutenant T'Pal, a Klingon Intelligence officer. She is also playing the XO of the Hednot, the Klingon Ambassadorial Ship stationed on Deep Space 5.

I am also moving the time line up a little, to include 14:00, to cater for the impending Maquis attack, which I had to put back by a few hours to accommodate our new Diplomatic Officer.

I am now fully back online, so anybody who wants to JP, or start the attack run of the Maquis, please go right ahead.
