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Title   Updates
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Nov 02, 2010 @ 10:30pm

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Hi Folks.
Well this weekend has been a busy one, with a few new arrivals, mainly in Medical, but the most important things have been done, which was the outstanding awards.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to make the nominations and now, we're ready for the next round.

For those who are new aboard, can I ask you all to check that you have your characters registered on the official Obsidian Fleet Manifest, and if not, please enter your bios by following the link, http://obsidianfleet.net/index.php?option=app and selecting Deep Space 5 as your 1st choice of ship and copying over your bio from here to there. This will help all of us, by allowing us to nominate you for awards and for me to keep my reports in order.
Also, if you have not signed up for the OOC (Out Of Character site) then click the link above and register there also.

As you will have noticed, the last few months, I have been pretty much out of the loop and I again, want to thank you for your patience, as I have been embroiled in some tough work assignments (yep, real life does interfere :D ) but I am now back in the game, at least until January.
My email is always open, so if you have any questions, queries, suggestions or just want to let off some steam, then send me an email and I will be more than happy to listen and where I can, offer advice or guidance.

Thanks to you all for making this the best SIM there is.


