A New Establishment or 2- Or are they?

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Title   A New Establishment or 2- Or are they?
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Jan 07, 2013 @ 10:52pm

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Hi folks.

We have 2 new players on DS5, both running shops on the Promenade. One a restaurant, the other, an Antiques shop.

Sarish Anjar, a Bajoran, has just opened the "Endeavours" restaurant and bar.
A former covert operative, was intimately involved with a Cardassian, Atlana Durak.

We also have a new "Antiques shop" which has opened on the promenade and is run, coincidentally, by Atlana Durak!!

I sense fun and games ahead!

Welcome aboard.
