Routine Updating Post

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Title   Routine Updating Post
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Nov 17, 2014 @ 8:09pm

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First my apologies for not getting the posts out I'd hoped to over the last week or so. I've started the sickbay visit JP and will be getting on to the promenade update on the virus after that.

We WILL be starting a new mission as per 1st Jan - if unresolved the virus may still be lingering so that those who have it as part of their backstory can continue with that. As a whole we'll bemoving on to what should be an interesting and challenging mission for us all!

At the same time we hope after all of George's time and effort that we'll have a lovely Nova site in operation at the same time as the new mission - we're working on it as I type! What this does mean is that at some point I'll ask you all to visit the site and submit an application with your current character/role so we can get you all in place - this could be a great time to do those long needed bio updates - I know mine needs a few!

Aaaaaand there's one other personnel announcement that I'm itching to make, but until everything is in place I'm keeping quiet!

SO November is not going to be a glory month for us in posting terms, but a big one in moving forward!


On behalf of your local friendly Command Team.