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Title   Apology
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon May 17, 2010 @ 8:53pm

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Hi Gang.

First, let me apologise for my lack of input for the last week or so, but I have been extremely busy at work, with the Icelandic dust cloud and meetings with some very important persons from London, I have been totally out of the loop.

Louise did manage to catch me yesterday in a brief telephone call whilst I was cleaning a coach, so "Hi" :D

I am not going to be around much for the next 10 days or so and with the loss of my Laptop a few weeks back and the fact that I am not at home (Hotels are a wonderful thing, but internet access is so expensive), with hardly any internet access, so if you have me involved in a JP, then please NPC me with a nod, or a smile or a grunt, depending on the situation.
If you can bear with me, please do, as I miss the interaction.

I am hoping to be back on course for a brief holiday, towards the end of the month and will hopefully manage to catch up.
Until then, I entrust the safe keeping of DS5 to my more than capable crew :D

Hugs all round, you deserve them,
