On a wet weekend ...

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Title   On a wet weekend ...
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Jul 07, 2012 @ 11:05am

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Hi all,

I'm about to do another recruitment drive (its been well over a year since we've advertised) to try and fill up some of the key positions on DS5.

Before I do that I want to tidy up the personnel listing. I've already removed most of the minor open positions so that we can focus on showcasing the main open slots.

I'd also like to split out the civilian listings. This is what I have in mind.

Corporate Entities: e.g. Monteros Enterprises, Bradshaw Entierprises, and The Scottish Technical Research Corporation.

Promenade: for business such as the Box of Delights, and the paper shuffling NPCs and characters who are not tied to any Starfleet department.

Civillians: for those who do not fit into the other categories.

For popular and active Corporations and businesses I'd like to set up a seperate 'Department' such as what is shown for Monteros Enterprises where the CEO/Owner gets admin rights over their Department. The one I have most in mind the the Box of Delights which employs both player and NPC characters and deserves a lot more prominence than is current.

I think that this will make the personnel list much easier to use, but I'd welcome other views before I go ahead.
