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Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 12, 2010 @ 1:39pm

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Good afternoon DS5ers.

We are about to open up SD35 on which the new mission will begin!

Our initial posting time-frame will be the morning of SD35 ... and it will be a busy one!

An away team will be on their way to assist the citizens of Feltor Prime as a new political regime threatens to secede from the Federation in the aftermath of a civil war. It is a mission going on behind a front of diplomacy as Lieutenant Totti seeks to keep the new government talking while a team of technical experts from DS5 begin the effort to assist the civilian populace, repair infrastructure, and if necessary begin an evacuation effort.

A joint task force dedicated to dealing with the ongoing threat of piracy in the sector will be launched bringing together Starfleet, Marine, Klingon and Romulan forces under the lead of erie'Riov Monteros t'Khellian keen both to make a name for herself aboard the Dhelan and to show her old Federation friends that she has not turned her back on them.

And Lieutenant Commander Gabriel will find himself on the wrong side of the law as an old murder case that never quite made it to trial is reawakened and new evidence is brought ... with both the Romulans and the Cardassians out for his blood Dorian Gabriel is fighting not just to clear his name but to avoid extradition. But with relations between the Romulan and Cardassian ambassadors at an all time low just how are they going to be able to stay civil long enough to co-operate and bring a case against Gabriel that will convince the JAG Commander Villiers and a jury that Gabriel is guilty of murder.


That's three very different main plotlines to get involved in - feel free to create NPCs to participate in any or all of those threads and keep up the good work with all those lovely sub-plots we have going on - they're one of the things that makes DS5 such a great place to simm - we might be a soap opera (I'm still waiting for someones long-lost evil twin to turn up ...) but our characters have lives beyond the mundane 'Yes, Sir!' type scenarios seen all too often in other sims. The other thing that makes it great is YOU and the creativity you lend to our imaginary world.

If you can't think of a way to get involved drop me a pm or an email and I'll come up with something.

We'll also keep Interlude open for another week so that anything that happens before SD35 can be posted.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer DS5