I'm back in the Chair

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Title   I'm back in the Chair
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 8:49pm

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Well, after a whirlwind of time for the last 2 months, (been home about 5 days I think!) and despite me trying to be active, I failed miserably, but now my case is unpacked and it's back to London for me most weekends, but I'm home during the week! (Who said "Uh oh!")

I owe a big debt of thanks to you all, especially Louise who has kept you all in the loop and entertained in my lack of appearances!

So, first off, I am looking to round off Unity... so get any posts currently in saved and post them up.

Secondly, I am going to be looking at the award nominations and approve the majority!

Thirdly, a huge welcome to all the new guys aboard, my apologies for not writing with you to begin with, but again, thanks to Lou, Dan, Jools & Thomas for their invaluable guidance for you.

So we are currently running 2 missions, Unity, in which the Maquis and the federation rebuild their trust.

And Interlude, which is basically "Get to know DS5 its crew. For those of you who have not yet signed up, head to the forum.... of which we have 2, http://www.forum.ds5.co.uk & http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/DS5OOC/

I need a few days, so after the weekend, I hope to be in full swing with you, need to catch up on who deserves a slap and who deserves a hug :LOL
Promotions are pending, but first priority... A cup of tea ;)

I would also like to say a huge thank you to you all, the posting has been astonishing and I have read a couple of fantastically written posts.
For those who have contacted me by email, I apologise if I have not responded, it's really not me, but as I have had very little internet access across the country, (I lost my laptop a few back and had to use the "Work" one, so could not use it for personal reasons) when I was managing to check my emails, I was seeing over 300+ unread messages and could not be bothered (sorry) at the time to answer them all... so first slap top me :D

Anyway, end of rant, just glad to be with you :D




Captain Tasha Tahir