Nova Site

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Title   Nova Site
Category   Website Update
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Dec 14, 2014 @ 9:29am

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Morning all,

We have successfully set up a handful of characters on the new Nova site. We're still working at moving all the database info over but as this site will still be here we can take our time over it.

We need each of you to go to the site and apply with your current BIO. We'll then give you all the right access levels for your character and position. You will then also be able to re-create your NPCs. Once this is done let me know and I will link your NPCs to your main character.

The aim is to go live on the new site in the new year with a brand new mission.

Any player who does not apply on the Nova site by 31st December will be assumed to have left DS5.

Good things are a-coming!

Commander Isha t'Vaurek
On behalf of your local friendly Command Team