Cleaning up!

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Title   Cleaning up!
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Oct 08, 2011 @ 3:53pm

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Hey guys, there are 71 mission posts in saved status, some dating back 2 years. Can you check your control panel and delete or POST the ones held there to reduce the queue.
I am hoping to jump into our new mission by the start of next month and would like to see the saved posts cleared.

Also, there are 8 members of DS5 who have not posted for around 3 months, excluding those on LOA. At the end of this month, any player who has not posted with either a post or a log for more than 3 months will be deactivated.
3 players have not signed in for over 2 months, so please heed this notice and either set yourself LOA, ELOA or post something or prepare to be moved to the departed character list.

Please remember, the post minimum is now 2 posts per calendar month.
