What was she called again? That XO chick ... oh yeah, Louise!

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Title   What was she called again? That XO chick ... oh yeah, Louise!
Category   Out of Character
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Oct 25, 2011 @ 7:43pm

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Hi all,

RL has been very busy these past few months - new relationship, house that has been on the market for over a year finally being sold, work, the occasional trip to the North East for family reasons, and me about to move into a proper sized flat in London - My sincerest apologies for not being back as soon as I thought I would be.

To those of you waiting for JP replies from me ... special big SORRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!

Anyways, I'm trying to catch up with things, and hope to be back up to posting speed soon - once I am I'll change my status back to 'active'.

Love to all.
