Awards & The Fleet

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Title   Awards & The Fleet
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 24, 2010 @ 6:18pm

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Hi folks.

I have been through the awards and 2 things I have to point out.

Firstly: Level 2 awards need to be justified with sample posts or extremely good reasons.
I have tried to bolster up the nominations to OF, and hopefully, they will be approved, but when nominating, please add a "Post link ( to aid me with getting the nomination awarded.

Some players have not yet logged onto the Obsidian Fleet IFS.
This is down to me not telling you to do so when you joined, but if any players on DS5 are not registered on the OF, then the awards will only be on DS5 and not on your personnel file as well.
Please check to see if you are registered on OF, and if not, please do so by clicking here )

Thanks folks, and keep up the astounding work :D
