Timelines / Announcements

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Title   Timelines / Announcements
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Sep 13, 2010 @ 11:06pm

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Hi Folks.
I just want to re-iterate what Notty requested in her news item.
"I'm going to have a nag and ask people to make every effort to put times on their Judgement posts."

I have been reading all the Timeline works that Notty has been doing and the timelines are to be blunt, pathetic.
"1.5 hours after ......." & "Late afternoon" or "After Name of last post" are not acceptable, unless accompanied by a time (SD35 12:45 for example)

As the Points system has been scrapped, I shall now be issuing "STRIKES" to regular offenders.

This will start from Judgement, which is Station Day 35 or SD35.

Please take care to work your times correctly so that primarily, you know where you are in the timeline, secondly, every one else will know where you are and thirdly, the job of Timeline keeping will be easier for Notty.
If you are stuck, or unsure, just ask....

Thanks for your consideration in this matter, it will benefit us all.

Timelines / Mission Notes - Notty (Yolanthe)
Points Master - Dan (Richard)
Site Artwork - Andy (Jarred)

If you would like a role, EG,
Database Moderator; NPC Director; Awards Director; Mission Advisor; Station Author;
then drop either me or Louise a line and we will find something for you to do :D

Captain Tasha Tahir