Hey Ho the Merry-O

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Title   Hey Ho the Merry-O
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Sep 09, 2014 @ 8:16pm

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Only one Wicked Witch around here and I'm not dead!

I'm concerned that we've only reached FIVE posts so far in September and we're almost a third of the way through. I believe most have works in progress, but lets try and keep the momentum we've striven for over the last few months.

If anyone is struggling for ideas, please let me know and I'll come up with something - otherwise, feel free to have your character struck down by the current, flu-like lurgy. Report it in, or don't.

If anyone has a nice idea for a sub-plot they'd like to run let me know - it would be rare for me not to approve it.

Post, post, post my prettys ... or I will release the flying monkeys!
