Keep up the good work folks!

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Title   Keep up the good work folks!
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 8:07am

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Wow! Its only the thirteenth of June and already this months post count is approaching 100 (94 to be precise) and they're not just bit posts, I've been reading epics for the last two months!

With the action men Darson, Gabriel and Jarred working to finish up 'Unity' and free the station, Chelsea and Richard embroiled in their off-station whodunnit, Tharek and Yolanthe's adventures with the Borg on the holodeck, Rianni and t'Merek trying to find their feet in a consulate where rationality is not exactly the order of the day, and Thomas Whitlock, the new journalist sniffing his way onto the station DS5 is as varied and interesting a place as ever.

There is a backlog of award nomination (17 at the last count) which I hope we can get processed by the end of June, along with any long due promotions, which while we know are not the be all and end all, are a nice token of appreciation.

Anyways, like the title says, keep up the good work.

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer